Valerian Root Potion

from $18.00

Homegrown, Organic Valeriana officinalis tinctured fresh in Organic Grape Vodka

VALERIAN Root has been used to promote restful sleep, relax the muscles & calm the central nervous system. It increases GABA production in the brain, leading to a feeling of overall well being. Its antispasmodic action may relieve muscle spasms & persistent cough. Valerian is sometimes used to aid recovery from addiction and ease anxiety, without drowsiness. Its actions are thought come mainly from its volatile oils, sesquiterpene (valeric acid), iridoids (valepotriates), and also from alkaloids, furanofuran lignans, and free amino acids such as γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), tyrosine, arginine, and glutamine

This potion was made from roots grown on our small family farm. Tinctured immediately after harvest to preserve volatile oils & all the beneficial properties of this magical herb.

Valerian has been treasured at least since Ancient Greece, where it was prescribed for insomnia & epilepsy. Its name comes from the Latin “Valere,” - to be healthy/ to be strong.

It appears in folklore across the ancient world. The Nordic Goddess Hertha carried a whip made from Valerian, with her Stags bridle made from Hops. The two herbs are still a common combination today.

Celts believed hanging a bundle in their home would keep lightning from striking it. Others would hang it to keep evil spirits at bay, or throw it between a quarreling couple to instantly stop an argument!

Valerian is often used in love charms or spells to calm internal guilt & negative self-perception. Astrologically it’s associated with Mercury, which is thought to govern the mind, intellect & nervous system.

Valerian has also been associated with the Saraphim Achaiah, angel of patience.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please do your own research & consult a physician when working with herbal supplements.

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Homegrown, Organic Valeriana officinalis tinctured fresh in Organic Grape Vodka

VALERIAN Root has been used to promote restful sleep, relax the muscles & calm the central nervous system. It increases GABA production in the brain, leading to a feeling of overall well being. Its antispasmodic action may relieve muscle spasms & persistent cough. Valerian is sometimes used to aid recovery from addiction and ease anxiety, without drowsiness. Its actions are thought come mainly from its volatile oils, sesquiterpene (valeric acid), iridoids (valepotriates), and also from alkaloids, furanofuran lignans, and free amino acids such as γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), tyrosine, arginine, and glutamine

This potion was made from roots grown on our small family farm. Tinctured immediately after harvest to preserve volatile oils & all the beneficial properties of this magical herb.

Valerian has been treasured at least since Ancient Greece, where it was prescribed for insomnia & epilepsy. Its name comes from the Latin “Valere,” - to be healthy/ to be strong.

It appears in folklore across the ancient world. The Nordic Goddess Hertha carried a whip made from Valerian, with her Stags bridle made from Hops. The two herbs are still a common combination today.

Celts believed hanging a bundle in their home would keep lightning from striking it. Others would hang it to keep evil spirits at bay, or throw it between a quarreling couple to instantly stop an argument!

Valerian is often used in love charms or spells to calm internal guilt & negative self-perception. Astrologically it’s associated with Mercury, which is thought to govern the mind, intellect & nervous system.

Valerian has also been associated with the Saraphim Achaiah, angel of patience.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please do your own research & consult a physician when working with herbal supplements.

Homegrown, Organic Valeriana officinalis tinctured fresh in Organic Grape Vodka

VALERIAN Root has been used to promote restful sleep, relax the muscles & calm the central nervous system. It increases GABA production in the brain, leading to a feeling of overall well being. Its antispasmodic action may relieve muscle spasms & persistent cough. Valerian is sometimes used to aid recovery from addiction and ease anxiety, without drowsiness. Its actions are thought come mainly from its volatile oils, sesquiterpene (valeric acid), iridoids (valepotriates), and also from alkaloids, furanofuran lignans, and free amino acids such as γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), tyrosine, arginine, and glutamine

This potion was made from roots grown on our small family farm. Tinctured immediately after harvest to preserve volatile oils & all the beneficial properties of this magical herb.

Valerian has been treasured at least since Ancient Greece, where it was prescribed for insomnia & epilepsy. Its name comes from the Latin “Valere,” - to be healthy/ to be strong.

It appears in folklore across the ancient world. The Nordic Goddess Hertha carried a whip made from Valerian, with her Stags bridle made from Hops. The two herbs are still a common combination today.

Celts believed hanging a bundle in their home would keep lightning from striking it. Others would hang it to keep evil spirits at bay, or throw it between a quarreling couple to instantly stop an argument!

Valerian is often used in love charms or spells to calm internal guilt & negative self-perception. Astrologically it’s associated with Mercury, which is thought to govern the mind, intellect & nervous system.

Valerian has also been associated with the Saraphim Achaiah, angel of patience.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please do your own research & consult a physician when working with herbal supplements.